Sunday, May 23, 2010


Title: Skinny
Author: Ibi Kaslik
Rating: 8.5

Summary: Holly's older sister, Giselle, is self-destructing. Haunted by her love-deprived relationship with her father, this once role model and medical student, is gripped by anorexia. Holly, a track star, stuggles to keep her own life on balance while coping with the mental and physical deterioration of her beloved sister. Together, they can feel themselves slipping and are holding on for dear life.

My Review: Skinny, overall, is a great book. Giselle shows her life struggle with anorexia. All of her issues in life equal to the major problem of starving herself. This is not just a book about Giselle's problems, but her sister Holly. Holly has to watch her older sister hurt herself, her life changes by watching her role model suffer through problems. By both sisters taking turns to narrate the story, it's a little confusing and hard to understand. This book was hard enough to get through having to think about the horrible reasons Gisselle is fighting with anorexia in the first place. The ending was hard for me, I would reccomend this book to people that can handle serious and real life problems.

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