Monday, May 24, 2010


Title: Rewind
Author: William Sleator
Rating: 9.7
Summary: When Peter is hit by a car, he is given the ultimate do-over: go back to any point in time before that fateful moment, and alter the events leading up to his death, he will die again--this time for good. Now Peter's racing against time to save his own life, but what should he change? His adoptive parents don't understand him, the school jock is out to get him, and no one appreciates his own talents. This may be the only chance. Can Peter cheat death, or will he be lost forever?
My Review: I Love pretty much all books by William Sleator, and this one looked very interesting, so I had to try it! This book is pretty short. It only took 1 hour to read. It starts out good in the beginning, but it gets a little boring//dull when you get farther into it. But overall I liked it. I would recomend it if you're looking for a good, quick, read.

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