Monday, May 24, 2010


Title: Rewind
Author: William Sleator
Rating: 9.7
Summary: When Peter is hit by a car, he is given the ultimate do-over: go back to any point in time before that fateful moment, and alter the events leading up to his death, he will die again--this time for good. Now Peter's racing against time to save his own life, but what should he change? His adoptive parents don't understand him, the school jock is out to get him, and no one appreciates his own talents. This may be the only chance. Can Peter cheat death, or will he be lost forever?
My Review: I Love pretty much all books by William Sleator, and this one looked very interesting, so I had to try it! This book is pretty short. It only took 1 hour to read. It starts out good in the beginning, but it gets a little boring//dull when you get farther into it. But overall I liked it. I would recomend it if you're looking for a good, quick, read.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wherever Nina Lies

Title: Wherever Nina Lies
Author: Lynn Weingarten
Rating: 9.7

Summary: Nina was beautiful, wild, and adored by her younger sister, Ellie. But one day, Nina disappeared. 2 years later, everyone has given up hope that Nina will return, but Ellie knows her sister is out there. If only Ellie had a clue where to look. Then she gets one, in the form of a mysterious drawing. Determined to find Nina, Ellie takes off on a crazy, sexy, cross-country road trip with the only person who believes she's got a chance--her hot, adventurous new crush. Along the way, Ellie finds a few things she wasn't planning on. Like Love. Lies. And the most shocking thing of all: The truth.
My Review: This book was so compelling, that I couldn't help but get sucked in after the first few chapters. The mystery and intrigue begins from the very beginning and plays out like a mystery game, where you use the clues you were given throughout the book to try and make your own conclusion on the ultimate question: Is Nina dead?

Palace of Mirrors

Title: Palace of Mirrors
Author: Margaret Peterson Haddix
Rating: 10.0

Summary: Cecilia knows she's not just another peasant girl; she's actually the true princess, in hiding until the evil forces that killed her parents are vanquished. A commoner named Desmia is on the throne as a decoy.
Cecilia knows that it's time to take charge. Along with her best friend Harper, she flees to the capital city, determined to reclaim her throne and face the danger head on.
When Harper and Cecilia reach the famed Palace of Mirrors, the discover complications: Princess Desmia believes an intirely different version of the story.
My Review: Palace of Mirrors is a book slightly different from Haddix usually books. It's a lot more...fairytale than what she normally does. Not to say that she didn't put a completely unique twist on it. I love the relationship during the book! The characters in The Palace of Mirrors developed really well, people that you would expect to meet someday. In general I would say all of the Haddix books are good, but this is one of the best.


Title: Wintergirls
Author: Laurie Halse Anderson
Rating: 9.5

Summary: Lia and Cassie are best friends, wintergirls frozen in fragile bodies, competitors in a deadly contest to see who can be the thinnest. But then Cassie suffers the ultimate lost-her-life and Lia is left behind, haunted by her friends memory and racked with guilt for not being able to help save her.

My Review: This book is really shocking and sad, but can totally put your life into plain view, just the way Lia does. The battle that she goes through is very realistic. You become so familiar with her and find yourself on the edge of your seat when nearing the end of this novel. You follow her on her jouney as she tries to conquer her battles on a different path than what she's been taking, becoming stronger day by day.


Title: Skinny
Author: Ibi Kaslik
Rating: 8.5

Summary: Holly's older sister, Giselle, is self-destructing. Haunted by her love-deprived relationship with her father, this once role model and medical student, is gripped by anorexia. Holly, a track star, stuggles to keep her own life on balance while coping with the mental and physical deterioration of her beloved sister. Together, they can feel themselves slipping and are holding on for dear life.

My Review: Skinny, overall, is a great book. Giselle shows her life struggle with anorexia. All of her issues in life equal to the major problem of starving herself. This is not just a book about Giselle's problems, but her sister Holly. Holly has to watch her older sister hurt herself, her life changes by watching her role model suffer through problems. By both sisters taking turns to narrate the story, it's a little confusing and hard to understand. This book was hard enough to get through having to think about the horrible reasons Gisselle is fighting with anorexia in the first place. The ending was hard for me, I would reccomend this book to people that can handle serious and real life problems.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

When You Reach Me

Title: When You Reach Me
Author: Rebecca Stead
Rating: 8.5

Summary: Miranda and her best friend, Sal, know how to navigate their New York City neighborhood. They know where it's safe to go, and whom to avoid.
But things start to unravel. Sal gets punched by the new kid for what seems like no reason, and he shunts Miranda out of his life. The apartment key that Miranda's mom keeps hidden for emergincies is stolen. And Miranda finds a mysterious not scrawled out on a piece of paper.

As the notes keep coming, Miranda realizes that whoever is leaving them knows all about her. Including things that haven't even happened yet. Each message brings her closer to believing that only she can prevent a tragic death. Until the final note makes her think she's too late.

My Review: I got this book at my school looked kind of intersting. I went through it reallyy fast, mostly because the chapters are short. The story went by smoothly, but around the end it got sort of confusing. ( I dont want to give anything away). It all made sense at the end though. I guess I would reccomend this book if you're in for a quick read.

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